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My Portfolio


A GPS uses satellite signals to determine the time, location, and speed. Since satellites are all the way in outer space, I believe that satellites signals might gave inaccurate data compared to measuring it with a meter wheel. In this experiment, I used a meter wheel and a stopwatch to measure the distance and time it takes me to go around a park and compare it to a GPS.


This is one of my first projects I created while coding. Even though it was a step-by step tutorial from, it introduced me into the world of programing. This café menu was created using HTML and CSS. HTML is responsible for all the text that you see on a website and CSS lets you change the font, its color, size, and other aspects that makes the website aesthetically pleasing. 


Our clients want us to build 12 affordable pinhole cameras for customers with hand dexterity, which affects their hand mobility. Someone with this condition has trouble gripping and keeping their hands shut. Our task was to build a stationery camera, that allows minimal light in the aperture in order to take a picture. The film will go through a series of chemicals to reveal the image. You can check out the images we took by clicking the PDF icon below.

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Rock, Paper, Scissors

Everyone has played or at least heard of "Rock, Paper, Scissors". Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I created this game for players to go against the computer. I made functions that starts a round, allows the computer to choose either rock, paper, or scissors, and to determine the results after a round. If the player or the computer reaches 5 points, the game is over.

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Northeastern India is densely populated and there is a huge demand for new apartments. The main issue is that the region is prone to earthquakes. In this project, our task is to design and build a sturdy building. Then we test it on an earthquake simulator to check its sturdiness. It also snows in that region, so we put some weights in a foam cup on top of the building to emulate snow.

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Quote Generator

This webpage generates random quotes from famous people. I used HTML and CSS for the visuals and JavaScript for the quotes to display and to generate a new one. The quotes are fetched from an API. If there's a quote that stood out, you can share it on X (Twitter) for your follower see.

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